Clinical Application of Developments in CAD-CAM Technology in Dentistry

Review Article

Clinical Application of Developments in CAD-CAM Technology in Dentistry

Muhammet Kerim AYAR


Technological advances have proven to be of great help in development in various fields as well as in dentistry. The development of the CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided manufacturing) technology in the 1950s brought another reality to daily clinical practice. Previously, the entire laboratory process of prosthetic work was time-consuming and purely physical, currently the manufacture of prosthetic parts requires less time due to the use of digital media. The addition of digital tools in the planning and execution of dental treatments completely changed the workflow, making the search for improvement to be constant, always seeking the best service and quality of the treatments performed. Thus, this work aims to carry out a critical review of the literature on the clinical applicability of CAD-CAM technology in dentistry.

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Cite as: AYAR, Muhammet Kerim. Clinical Application of Developments in CAD-CAM Technology in Dentistry. Gelenbevi Scientific Research Journal, 2021; 1(1):23-27